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  1. All information provided by a participant in the registration form must be true and accurate.

  2. Participants aged 18 or below must obtain consent from a parent/guardian. Participant’s age is calculated as at 27 October 2024.

  3. Upon submitting his/her application, an applicant declares that he/she agrees to and accepts these Event Terms & Conditions, the Official Rules and all other rules and regulations which may be adopted by the Organizer from time to time.  The Organizer will charge HK$100 administration fee for the change of participant's personal data or categories after the submission of application.

  4. If participants provide incorrect information, fail to submit application form & pay for the entry fee, or fail to follow correct enrollment procedure, the Organizer reserves the right to reject their enrollment.

  5. All entry fee and additional donations are not refundable. No return, cancellation, or transfer for all enrollments, including late and duplicate enrollments.

  6. Late or on-site registration will not available.

  7. The Organizer reserves the right to limit and refuse any enrollment and contact participants for information regarding their enrollment.

  8. The Organizer reserves the right to close the registration any time, whether before or after the registration deadline specified, without prior notification.


Rules & Regulations

  1. Participants must follow the rules of the event and the instructions given by the Organizer.

  2. All participants should register according to the age requirement of each category respectively (if applicable). Offenders will be disqualified and requested to leave the race course / event venue.

  3. Each participant shall be physically fit and have the ability to participate in the Event. The Organizer/ reserves the right to disallow/disqualify any person who is known or suspected by the Organizer to be physically unfit to participate in the Event and such person shall accept such decision of the Organizer accordingly.

  4. Public liability insurance is covered by the Organizer. This does not include personal accident insurance. It is recommended that all participants purchase your own personal accident insurance and other relevant insurance according to your needs.

  5. Participants shall indemnify and/or reimburse the Organizer in respect of any additional expenses or costs incurred by the Organizer arising from or in connection with any fault or action or behaviors of such Participants during participation in the Event.

  6. Participants understand and agree that participation in the Event is voluntary and at the own risk of participants. Each participant agrees to absolve the Organizer and any sponsor and/or supporting organizations from any and all liabilities arising from bodily injuries, accidents, death or other losses during or caused by travelling to and from the event venue during the event or whatsoever reason.

  7. The Organizer reserves the right to amend the program of the rules and regulations. Should there be disputes, the Organizer reserves the right of final decision.

  8. If there are fewer than 3 participants or 3 teams in any category, the award will be cancelled.

  9. The Organizer reserves the right to amend the rules and regulations. Should there be disputes, the Organizer reserves the right of final decision.


During the Race

  1. Each participant shall be physically fit and have the ability to participate in and finish the Event. The Organizer reserves the right to disallow or disqualify any person who is known or is suspected by the Organizer to be physically unfit to participate in the Event and such person shall accept the decision made the Organizer accordingly.

  2. Participants should place your race bib visibly on the front of your top clothing with the participant number shown clearly.

  3. Participants shall keep their own race bib securely.  The Organizer would not re-issue a new race bib under any circumstances.

  4. Participants should enter the start zone on time, or otherwise be disqualified from the race competitions.

  5. Participants must not harass or impede other participants from conducting activities / competitions. Offenders will be disqualified and requested to leave the event venue.

  6. Participants must not use any external auxiliary equipment in the race (except prosthetic limb(s)).

  7. Cheating in the race is also not allowed. Offenders will be disqualified once found.

  8. If first aid assistance is needed, please inform the race and event staff or call the emergency contact number printed on your race bib.

  9. Dangerous goods (i.e. offensive weapons, flammable, explosive agents or materials/objects which obstruct other participants, etc) are strictly prohibited. Those who violate this rule will be asked to leave the course immediately and such cases may be reported to the Law Enforcement Agency.

  10. Participants must retire and leave the race course immediately if requested to do so by any member of the race officials, medical staff, race director, referees or security staff.

  11. Participants are encouraged to bring their own water bottles to reduce plastic consumption.

  12. Participants please keep the place clean, take your own rubbish with you, or throw your rubbish in the trash recycling bin.

  13. After participants arrive at the finish line, please leave the track as soon as possible and go to the "Finisher Medal Collection Zone" to collect the finisher medals. Participants can also visit the booths set up at the venue and take photos with the venue layout.


Route Alteration

The Organizer reserves the right to change or alter any parts of the running route before and during the race without prior notice in the event of unexpected road conditions or emergency. A race may be temporarily suspended for emergency or any other incidents during the race. In the event of emergency or any incident, participants must follow the instructions of race officials or any law enforcement officers on site.


Luggage Storage

FREE one-time luggage storage service will be available for all participants at the event venue on event day. Runners are reminded not to deposit any valuable item. Participants can only use the luggage bag and tag provided by the Organizer. No luggage bag & tag will be provided on Race Day. The Organizer is not responsible for any loss or damage to any item in your luggage. 

The luggage storage deposit services will be available from 7:00am - 2:00pm. Luggage not claimed within the time limit will be handed over to the Organizer.

Result Announcement

  1. All prizes will be awarded according to the Official Time (Gun Time). Net times are for personal reference only.

  2. Race Winners will be required to present their identification including HK identity card, passport or Registration Card for People with Disabilities for verification.

  3. On the race day, the winners list will be announced on-site.  Appeals on the winners list must be submitted within 15 minutes after result announcements by filling in the form and handing HK$100 deposit to the result announcement centre located at the main stage. The deposit will be forfeited if the appeal is not successful or is withdrawn. The Organizer reserves the right not to entertain any dispute or appeal submitted after the deadline.

  4. Should there be disputes of the prizes and positions, the Organizer reserves the right of final decision.

  5. For participants with no entitlement or potential entitlement to award, any disputes regarding their personal result must be submitted in writing within 7 days after the results are announced on the official website.

  6. E-certificate of Achievement will be issued to all qualified participants with an Official Time in all races and categories. Participants who do not start the race according to the designated start time and assigned registered race category and participants who do not complete the race, shall not be entitled to any awards and certificates.


Personal Information Collection Statement

  1. FOODSPORT will use your personal information and keep confidentiality in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance".

  2. The information you provide (including name, telephone number and email address) will be used in FOODSPORT's products and activities promotion use, including (but not limited to) products, promotional activities, seminars, sports training, etc. 

  3. In any case, FOODSPORT will not disclose your personal information to third parties.

  4. If you do not wish your personal information be used for promotional purposes, please indicate when providing information, or feel free to email to, with subject "unsubscribe". 


Adverse Weather Arrangements

  1. The CARNIVAL will be cancelled if no.3 or above typhoon signal, red or black rainstorm warning signal is in force at 06:00pm a day before the event day (26 October 2024; 06:00pm)

  2. The RACE will be cancelled if no.3 or above typhoon signal, red or black rainstorm warning signal is in force at 00:00am on the event day (27 October 2024; 12:00am)

  3. When any of the above weather warning signals are hoisted or the adverse weather condition happens during the race, the Organizer reserves the right to amend the race route or cancel the event.  Please follow the official instructions on-site.

  4. All enrollment registration fees are non-refundable. All proceeds, after deducting expenses (including Food Purchasing for donation), will go to FOODSPORT FOUNDATION's Community Sport Development, and Food Assistance Program, to enable FOODSPORT to continue to sustain and expand our community sports development in Hong Kong.

  5. Tseung Kwan O Cross Bay Link (CBL) will be closed when wind speed reaches 40 kilometers per hour. If the  footpath of the CBL remains closed on the day of the race (i.e. 27 October 2024) at or before 00:00 am, the 10km race route will be rerouted.

  6. Please stay tuned with the updates on the event website and Facebook Page.


Event Cancellation and Refund Policy

  1. The Organizer reserves the right to postpone, cancel or cut short the event if any of the following situations occurs:
    a) Adverse weather conditions
    b) Landslides, rock falls or hill fires along the course ;
    c) Protests or blockage along the course ;
    d) Infectious diseases, pandemics, new coronavirus diseases, or other similar infectious diseases ; Hong Kong SAR government policies caused by COVID-19
    e) Force majeure, i.e. due to occurrence of incidents that are beyond the control of the organizer and which renders it impossible, unsafe or impractical to hold the event. A force majeure event shall include, but is not limited to, act of God, war, hostilities, invasion, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, riot, commotion, strikes, go-slows, lock outs or disorder, outbreak of disease, acts or threats of terrorism.

  2. Should the Event be cancelled due to any circumstances beyond the control of the Organizer or in the case of Force Majeure resulting in the Event being cancelled within 14 days before the scheduled date of the Event (i.e. 14 October 2024), all registration fees will not be refunded.

  3. Should the Event be cencelled before 14 days before the Event day (i.e. 14 October 2024), no more than 25% of the paid registration fee will be refunded. Apart from this, the Organizer will not bear any other responsibility for the cancellation of relevant projects.

  4. Any temporary changes or cancellations related to the competition/event will be subject to the announcement on the event website.

  5. The Organizer reserves the right to make temporary changes or cancellations of the event.

*In case of discrepancies between the English and the Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.*​​



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