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Privacy Policy



This is the Symbol Of Alliance Limited (SOA) Privacy Policy. SOA collects, uses and discloses Customer Data in order to provide you with a safe, smooth, efficient and customised experience with SOA. The collection, use and disclosure of Customer Data enables SOA to provide services and products that are most likely to meet your needs and requirements. This Privacy Policy outlines SOA’s policy and responsibility in relation to the collection, use and disclosure of Customer Data.


By continuing to use SOA’s services, you signify that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy as amended from time to time in respect of SOA’s collection, use and disclosure of your Customer Data.

This Privacy Policy is divided into two Parts – A and B:

  • Part A: General Customer Data privacy policy statement

  • Part B: Privacy policy statement for Customer Data collected through SOA’s websites and SOA’s mobile services facility


Part A: General Customer Data privacy policy statement


  1. When you become the member at our website, (Symbol Of Alliance Limited and FOODSPORT FOUNDATION LIMITED or its associate companies, hereinafter called our Company”), you may ask to submit your personal data and information to our Company. Our Company may not be able to provide the services to you if the provided data is not correct or sufficient. By submitting your personal data you consent to the use of that data as set out in this Privacy Policy Statement.

  2. Our Company endeavor to ensure that all our collection, transmission, storage and usage of personal data shall be carried out in compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap 486 of the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("PDPO").

  3. You agree your submitted Personal information and data may be kept and used by the Company for the following purpose:
    A. Enabling the provision of services, order processing, billing and fulfilment including but not limited to delivery arrangement;
    B. Payment handling or identifying you and any accounts you hold with us;
    C. Providing you regular messages of our services and promotional offers;
    D. Services and account maintenance;
    E. Customer profiling and analyzing data to design or improve services for you;
    F. Provisioning of customer services, complaints handling, account enquiries and fraud prevention and detection;
    G. Crime prevention;
    H. Disclosures as required by applicable laws, rules and regulations.


  4. Unless with your consent of receiving promotion offers or news, our Company cannot use your personal data and information. Our Company may use your personal data and information (including your name, gender, date of birth, phone number, address, email address, social media, payment details or any other provided information) for direct marketing activities via mailing, emails phone call or SMS that organized by:
    A. Promotional offers provided by Our Company or;
    B. Promotional offers from 3rd party Merchants that allied by Our Company


  5. Our Company may disclose or transfer (local or oversea) your personal data and information to companies or services agent that have non-disclosure agreement with the Company for the purpose of professional services, data analysis, marketing promotions and study, telecom services, payment collection, credit checking, payment gateway services, any other agency services or contractors (such as payment correction), and banking or financial institutions; or to the beneficial of Mergers and Acquisitions of either company asset or shares.

  6. You right of your personal information and data kept by Our Company:
    A. Inquire If Our Company holds any of your personal data and information;
    B. Check the content of your personal data and information that hold by our Company;
    C. Correction or update your personal data and information;
    D. Request our Company to delete your personal data and information.


  7. Enquiry of Data access and correction. If you have any query in relation to the Company’s privacy policy or you wish to access or correct your personal data held by us, you may contact send an email to us at:

  8. Our Company will update and revise this Policy regularly. Our Company reserves all rights of its interpretation and copyrights.


Part B: Privacy policy statement for Customer Data collected through our websites and our mobile services facility


  1. Security safeguards 
    SOA takes the protection of your Customer Data collected on SOA’s websites and through SOA’s mobile services facility very seriously. All Customer Data collected through SOA’s websites, e.g., and through SOA’s mobile services facility are protected by a secure server. In addition, SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protects the transmission of data from the internet to our systems.

    For example, when you transmit sensitive information such as credit card details through SOA’s websites, such information will be encrypted before being dispatched over the internet.

    To further strengthen the integrity of your internet transactions on our websites, SOA also employs relevant software programs to monitor network traffic with a view to identifying unauthorised attempts to upload or change Customer Data, perpetuate fraudulent or illegal activities or otherwise cause damage. If such monitoring reveals evidence of possible abuse or criminal activities, such evidence may be provided to appropriate law enforcement authorities or agencies without notice to you.

    To give you secure access to our online services, arising from your utilisation of SOA’s mobile services facility, you can register with us, and we will give you a membership number/ User ID with a PIN that is unique and personal to you. You should not share your membership number/User ID or PIN, and should always ‘log off' once you have finished your session on the websites as well as take the recommended precautions that ensure the safe and secure provision of SOA’s mobile services facility.

    As an additional security feature, SOA has implemented a time stamp showing the time you have been on SOA’s websites and the last time you logged out. If you detect any anomalies you should inform SOA immediately.


  2. Cookies 
    Most websites like ours use cookies to enhance your online experience. A cookie is a small string of information that the website that you visit transfers to your computer for identification purposes. Cookies can be used to follow your activity on the website and that information helps us to understand your preferences and improve your website experience. Cookies are also used to remember for instance your user name and password.

    You can turn off all cookies, in case you prefer not to receive them. You can also have your computer warn you whenever cookies are being used. For both options you have to adjust your browser settings (like internet explorer). There are also software products available that can manage cookies for you. Please be aware though that when you have set your computer to reject cookies, it can limit the functionality of the website you visit and it’s possible then that you do not have access to some of the features on the website.


  3. Clickstream data 
    In order to improve your online experience, SOA may track online behaviour or clickstream data to advance your use of our web pages and track referrals from other websites. Such data will not be stored to your customer record, and will only be aggregated for statistical analysis.


  4. Links to other websites 
    SOA provides you with links to other websites for your convenience and information. You access these websites at your own risk and SOA is not responsible for these websites. Whilst SOA will protect your Customer Data on SOA websites, SOA cannot control or be responsible for the policies of other sites we may link to, or the use of any Customer Data you may share with them.  Please note that the SOA Privacy Policy does not cover these other websites, and SOA would recommend that you are apprised of their specific policies.


  5.  Minors
    SOA cannot distinguish the age of persons who access and use its websites. If a minor (according to applicable laws) has provided SOA with Customer Data without parental or guardian consent, the parent or guardian should contact SOA to remove the relevant Customer Data and unsubscribe the minor

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